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All sports require some extra hydration, the level of which depends primarily on the intensity and duration of the exercise.
The weather and ambient temperature are also factors that greatly influence the amount of water you need to drink while practicing sports. The heat and direct sun, for example, make the necessary hydration much greater.

Even so, there are sports that make you sweat more than others and, therefore, require more hydration.
By doing sports it is possible to lose the same amount of water that we consume in a day, approximately one and a half litres. That is why it is necessary to drink water before, duringand after the activity.

The sports with which the body requires more hydration are those of long-term resistance, and those that combine long-term resistance with high-intensity anaerobic periods.

These are the sports with which you should increase your hydration the most:

  • Long-distance and middle-distance races: Long-distance races, whether running or cycling, require a high level of hydration due to their duration and the constant effort of the body. It should also be borne in mind that normally these types of races are outdoors, and it may be that with sun and high temperatures, so the loss of liquids increases.
  • Boxing: In the case of boxing it will depend a lot on the duration, but a few rounds involve aerobic exercise for a long time combined with moments of high intensity that require a lot of strength.

  • Mountaineering: Although this sport can be done on foot, it is usually of long duration and includes long efforts on the climbs.
  • Tennis: The case of tennis is similar to that of boxing because it combines high-duration resistance and high-intensity efforts. A tennis match can last for many hours and dehydration is aggravated if the ambient temperature is high or if it is sunny. The best way to endure a tennis match well is to take small sips of water throughout the activity.

Other sports such as swimming, spinning or crossfit also require a high level of hydration. When practicing these activities, it is best to drink at least one and a half liters of water distributed between before, during and after playing sports.

For high-intensity and long-term activities, it is also recommended to drink isotonic drinks, since with sweat not only water is lost, the body also loses glucose and mineral salts that must be replenished and that isotonic drinks can provide you.


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