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It all started at the Ocean...

It all started on a road trip with two friends through the East coast of Australia, when we saw the most beautiful thing we had ever seen… 

It was the 25th of April on a perfect sunny day we decided to go scuba diving on The Great Barrier Reef.

After a shaky trip on the boat and some stomach aches we finally made it to a calm reef. From above we could see that we were surrounded by corals but we couldn’t appreciate all the beauty of it but as soon as we jumped on the water… 

It felt like entering another dimension, where bright colors of all types and from all sides were approaching our eyes.

We looked at each other and we all thought the same... IT WAS BEAUTIFUL AS F**** 

By far one of the most astonishing and beautiful things we have ever seen.

But the blink of reality didn’t come after some months leaving Australia. It was when I discovered that 3 coral reefs had gone white (died) one year before and that it will keep going due to the increase of the sea temperature.

This was a clear signal for me, how the most beautiful thing I saw from nature was dying??

If I could do anything to preserve it, I will do it.

Of course we know one single person or brand can not make a big impact on this worldwide issue, but lots of people and lots of brands might have a chance. Why not joining a movement even if it was with a tiny contribution?

The idea

We have to go back to the summer sailing trip we did with my mates from La Costa Brava to the Balearic Islands. As we stayed more than 3 days without reaching any port, we made more than 4 bags of trash and we just realized that half of it was from the plastic water bottles we used… Too obvious if you think it twice. We need around 2L per water per day, that means 6 people on that ship needed at least 36 water bottles to stay hydrated for three days. 

But not only in Spain, escalated globally the water bottles consumption was increasing year after year.

Why were we buying bottled water? When we had safe drinking water out of the tap in 99% of households… Mainly for its taste… We prefer mineral water that comes bottled. How could we solve it? It was already solved, but not spreaded enough, then it’s when Waly came alive to help on improving the water experience by filtering and carrying it to new adventures! 

And this is only the beginning of our journey, we believe big things can be achieved by all together.

Our bottles

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